Re: gtk+-1.2.10 (linux) vs gtk+-1.3.0 (windows) looks

On Thu, 2005-05-12 at 17:10 +0000, Chisheng Huang wrote:

Does anybody know how to make radio buttons, check buttons, and spinners
in GTK+-1.3.0 for MS Windows look as nice as those in GTK+-1.2.10 for 
Linux?  Here is a URL with images illustrating the differences:

You are strongly recommended to move to the current version of GTK 2.
The default theme on windows is native-looking.  it is very nice
especially on XP.

The differences you are seeing in your illustration are all in the
themes.  The bottom (win32) version is the default gtk1 theme and the
top picture was the special "redmond" theme.  If you put the redmond
theme on the win32 box, it would look the same.   However, on XP your
app would look very old and out of place.  With gtk2, your app will have
the same stylings and color scheme as the rest of windows which is very

At this point there are no bug or security fixes coming out for gtk1, so
use it at your own risk, and don't expect a lot of tips as very few
people are using it these days.


Thanks a lot for any input.



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