Re: GLib-GObject-CRITICAL debugging

Hi Daniel,

what I do is to have the same version of gtk and glib I have from portage installed again to my homedir built from source. So I have $HOME/debug with debug version of some libs. When I have to gebug I just lauch the app as
env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/debug/lib gdb ./my-app --g-fatal-warnings

Thanks Oliver,

I tried that but it is still the same. Do I have to have gtk+/glib etc
compiled with the debug option? (I use gentoo)

On Sat, 2005-05-14 at 17:19, Olivier Ramare wrote:

I usually compile with the additionnal flag -ggdb
then gdb ./Sol.o (mine is called Sol.o these days :-))
and run --sync as a gdb command. Then "where" or "bt"
usually shows me where things go wrong : gdb puts
last call first, so after #2, you should get the name on
the function who called it (from your own code)
as well as the file name and the line number in this
file (dont edit the file in between !!) to locate
precisely where it went wrong. That's usually very
efficient (except when some pointers go awry :-()


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