Re: Editing data from treeview

Jorge Monsalvo escreveu:

        I need some ideas to continue my application because I'm stopped
with this problem. I have two treeviews in my application in different
windows. The first one has a Tree Model in 3 levels of depth. The second one
is a list store with the complete set of values for the last child of the
first tree. What I want is to click on the tree child and get the complete
set of values from the child selected and then open a new window where the
user can change them. I need to find a simple method to get the reference
value from the tree model, search the list store to get the right iter, pick
the values from the iter and call a new window using these values.
What I can imagine is (schematic) what follows, but I think it could be a
simplest way to do it.

I think you are looking for something like Glade do. Open Glade (LANG=en;glade-2 to open in english) and create a new window with many widgets. Now, click on "View" menu and then "Show Widget Tree". You will see a window with a TreeView and when you select a how on this TreeView many things happen. So, you can see the Glade source code. This is an idea.


Claudio Polegato Junior

Um peregrino de Problemas; Um pergaminho de Soluções.

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