Re: redirecting output to a file with g_spawn_async

Chris Vine wrote:
man 2 read
man 3 strlen

In particular: (1) Why do you assume that the input which you have read comprises a null terminated string? (2) Have you allowed for a short read from Unix read()?
Hi Chris,
thanks for replying. I don not read with the Unix "read" function but with G_IO_Channel glib functions:
static gboolean ExtractToDifferentLocation (GIOChannel *ioc, 
GIOCondition cond, gpointer data)
        if (cond & (G_IO_IN | G_IO_PRI) )
                //while (gtk_events_pending() )
                gchar *line = NULL;
                g_io_channel_read_line ( ioc, &line, NULL, NULL, NULL );
                if (line != NULL )
//Write the content the bzip extracted file, line after line, to the file choosen by the user
                        fwrite ( line, 1, strlen(line) , fd );
                        g_free (line);
                return TRUE;
        else if (cond & (G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_NVAL) )
                fclose ( fd );
                g_io_channel_unref (ioc);
                g_io_channel_shutdown ( ioc,TRUE,NULL );
                g_spawn_close_pid ( child_pid );
                return FALSE;

The problem seems to be a kind of conversion on the bytes before they are being written to the file. The file is a RAR file that has bzip2 compressed. I run bzip2 -d file.bz2 with g_spawn_async_with_pipes and then as Oliver counseled me, I read with the function above and then write to the file with fwrite.
I really do not understand why I have the data corrupted and also the
file dimension longer that the original RAR file decompressed from the
shell with bzip2 -d file.bz2 !

Cpsed, a Linux OpenGL 3D scene editor

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