Re: strange problem with radiomenuitem

Alexander Nagel wrote:
Hi all,
i created some radiomenuitem with this.

string tmp;
for (int i = 0; i<10;i++)
        ostringstream outStream;
        outStream << i;
        tmp = "Gruppe " +outStream.str();
char tmp[10]; // length of "Gruppe xx"
for (int i = 0; i<10;i++)
  sprintf(tmp,"Gruppe %d",i);

the're a thousand more ways to do it (e.g. to avoid copying the 'Gruppe' string in there again and again).

        Widgets_MainWindow.menugroupitems[i] = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_label 
(Widgets_MainWindow.GroupList, tmp.c_str());
        gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (Widgets_MainWindow.menugroups), 
        Widgets_MainWindow.GroupList = gtk_radio_menu_item_get_group (GTK_RADIO_MENU_ITEM 
        gtk_widget_add_accelerator (Widgets_MainWindow.menugroupitems[i], "activate", 
Widgets_MainWindow.accel_group, gdk_keyval_from_name (outStream.str().c_str()), GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_ACCEL_VISIBLE);
        gtk_widget_show (Widgets_MainWindow.menugroupitems[i]);
        g_signal_connect ((gpointer) Widgets_MainWindow.menugroupitems [i], "activate", G_CALLBACK 
(on_menugroup_items_activate), (gpointer) i);

(don't laugh about the stream thing. If someone could give me a hint to
make that better would be great.)

and this is the callback:
void on_menugroup_items_activate (GtkObject *object, gpointer user_data)
        cout << "Gruppe " << (int) user_data << endl;

So the callback just print the number of the chosen group.
And this work.
1. During compilation i get a warning about
'cast to pointer from integer of different size'
for the g_signal_connect line. How can i avoid this?

2. It is normal that the callback is called twice?
For example if group 3 is marked and i change to 5 i get
Gruppe 3
Gruppe 5
then marking group 9
Gruppe 5
Gruppe 9
Is that normal?

3. When i choose group 1 the callback always produces
Gruppe 1
Gruppe 0
regardless from the previous group.

any ideas would be much appreciated..

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