Re: GThread + GTK+ on windows - problem

Tomasz Jaknowski wrote:

I'm trying to compile this code under Windows using DevC++ and GTK+ stuff from :
My DevC++ is well configured because I can compile and run single thread 
GTK+ application or compile and run console program using GThread witout 
any problems. I have problem only, when I'm trying to use GThread and 
GTK+ in one application.
  o Call gdk_treads_enter() before calling gtk_main(), not before
    calling gtk_init().
  o Call gdk_threads_enter() before creating and showing the dialog
    in the second thread; then call gdk_threads_leave() afterwords.
  o Read what the FAQ says about threads (
  o Always mention what is going wrong with your application, even
    an inline error message or a printout of your stack-trace is
    more usefull than "it doesnt work on windows".


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