Re: correction in gtk-runtime 2.8.17

On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 14:48 +0200, David Necas (Yeti) wrote:
On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 05:52:55AM +0200, Benoit Carpentier wrote:
Hi everybody,

A new version of gtk runtime 2.8.17 is released.
There was a trouble with Pango because the name of the folder is not 1.4.0 but 1.5.0 now. So the 
installer is changed and should work now.


Benoît Carpentier, "GTKool"
Am I the only one who misses the point -- or at least
context -- of these announcements?  What the hell is[*]
`gtk runtime' and why is it announced here?

Umm, because this is a list about developing applications using gtk.
The "gtk runtime" is a collection of all the files needed so that an end
user can run gtk applications.  GTK applications are of no value to
anyone without the runtime.  You're confused, no doubt, because the gtk
runtime ships installed by default on almost all linux distros (along
with the developer libraries and headers).  But on MS Windows, end users
have to install the gtk runtime in order to run gtk apps.  Hence people
like Benoit have put together nice packages to make this slick and easy
for Windows users.

This is the appropriate list for this announcement, as it has to do with
app development, not gtk itself.



[*] I can google it, of course (not that it is so easy --
Google can find a bazzillion things called gtk runtime).
But does it make such an announcement useful?

That's enough.
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