Re: Key-value file parser, howto get all groups and create loop from them

On Sat, Aug 05, 2006 at 10:18:24AM +0200, rupert wrote:
On 8/3/06, David Ne?as (Yeti) <yeti physics muni cz> wrote:
but how can I pass all the Information like the treestore, itert.., with the
g_timeout_add(), because it only allows me one filed for data to pass.
As Yeti already pointed out, build a struct to hold it all, alloc it,
pass pointer to struct (and don't forget to free when done ;-)

Or, if you are sure that there's only one struct in use at a time, use a
static (but this is a dirty technique which will haunt you at night,
believe me).

g_timeout_add(100, crypto_mount_set_pixbuf, pixbuf_mount);

and that's all.  However, if you use some images repeatedly,
register them as stock icons or load the pixbufs only once
and reuse them.

I have no idea how to do this.
Could you please link me to an example,
from reading the reference i dont get is how to use it correctly:
A quick and dirty thing I use to do (when the complexity of doing stock
item things scares me -- I'm easily scared by complexity, you know) is
something like:

 | #define NRPICS 4
 | typedef enum {
 |   sheep,
 |   cow,
 |   petunia,
 |   alien
 | } mypic;
 | static GdkPixbuf *getpix(mypic pic)
 | {
 |   /* Returns pixbuf corresponding to whohas */
 |   static GdkPixbuf *pix[NRPICS];
 |   static char *fname[NRPICS] = {
 |     "/path/to/sheep.png",
 |     "/path/to/cow.png",
 |     "/path/to/petunia.png",
 |     "/path/to/alien.png",
 |   };
 |   if(pic<0 || pic>alien) pic = alien;
 |   if(!pix[pic]) /* not yet realized */
 |     pix[pic] = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(fname[pic], NULL);
 |   return pix[pic];
 | }

Modify to own taste.

Of course, you can get all fancy and read the list of files from a
config file ant that -- but from some point on you might be better off
reading up about all this stock stuff (which is far more
theme-friendly), for example here:


-- tomás

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