Re: GSList and g_filename_from_uri free memory problem

Ok, I understood the matter. Let me explain my problem now:
I'm adding drag and drop to my app. To retrieve the content
of the selection dropped into the window of my app I use

gtk_selection_data_get_uris. The problem is that I get the filename
like this: file:///home/gt/GTA%20 and so on. So I use
g_filename_from_uri to convert the filename but this function
allocates memory that I must free. Since the user can drag and drop
more than one file ( you noticed the while loop in the code ? ) when
later I issue g_free ( filename ) only the last pointer will be freed
and the others ?

All your "filenames" can be retrieved and freed by looping through the list:
Something like:
GSList *next_ptr = Files_to_Add;
while (next_ptr != NULL)
        g_free(next_ptr->data);  //this frees the filenames
        next_ptr = g_slist_next(next_ptr);
g_slist_free(Files_to_Add); //this frees the list

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