guillaume ruch infini fr wrote:
Hi all,

Can somebody learn me how to fill a treeview with the contents of a mysql
table? We don't know the table number of rows cause the tree may show
different tables while clicking on the different buttons of my app :)
Have you used a GtkTreeView before?  Not sure if your question is
specific to MySQL or generic to GtkTreeView.  The source of the data is
irrelevant to populating the tree view.  So if you are asking how to
populate a tree view, I'd suggest you read the tutorial in the help.
Once you have a list store associated with the tree view, you just
populate the list store.  You don't need to know the number of rows that
will eventually be put into the list store.  You just keeping appending
a row to the list store for each row you get back from your MySQL table.

Guy Rouillier

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