Re: gtk_tree_model_get_iter segfault in on_row_activated

Iter needs to be an actual object, not just a pointer.  You are *creating*
a n iterator, then passing it by reference to be filled.  As your code
stands now, you're passing an uninitialized pointer to be written to,
which of course crashes.  Try the following:

void on_row_activated(GtkTreeView* tree_view,GtkTreePath*
path,GtkTreeViewColumn* column,gpointer user_data)
        std::cout<<"path was "<<gtk_tree_path_to_string(path)<<"\n";
        GtkTreeModel* model=gtk_tree_view_get_model(tree_view);
                std::cout<<"got the model OK\n";
                std::cout<<"failed to get the model\n";
        std::cout<<"trying to get the iter\n";
        GtkTreeIter iter;
                std::cout<<"got the iter ok\n";
                std::cout<<"didn't get the iter\n";

That should work better.  Hope that helps!


I have connected to the row activated signal and want to handle it - so
I am doing this:

void on_row_activated(GtkTreeView* tree_view,GtkTreePath*
path,GtkTreeViewColumn* column,gpointer user_data)
      std::cout<<"path was "<<gtk_tree_path_to_string(path)<<"\n";
      GtkTreeModel* model=gtk_tree_view_get_model(tree_view);
              std::cout<<"got the model OK\n";
              std::cout<<"failed to get the model\n";
      std::cout<<"trying to get the iter\n";
      GtkTreeIter* iter;
              std::cout<<"got the iter ok\n";
              std::cout<<"didn't get the iter\n";

upon double-clicking an item in the list output looks something like (in
this case the 4th entry)

path was 3
got the model OK
trying to get the iter
Segmentation fault

although bizarrely it very occasionally works fine.

Any ideas? It's a bit impolite to segfault when all the parameters I
pass are at least existing
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