Re: Handling Unix signals in a GTK+ application

Gus Koppel wrote:

However, if you know your application belongs to the
majority of GTK+ applications, that is, it stays in
outermost main loop, spending most of its time
being idle, then using the idle handler may  be
appropriate. But as explained, it's not quite as
"fail-safe" as pipes.
My application is scriptable, so while it's running a
script, an idle handler would never get invoked... Not
that that's such a problem, because it would be easy
enough to insert a check for an "interrupted" flag in
the script interpreter's main loop. My concern is what
happens when the application actually *is* idle. Using
an idle handler does not prevent you from having to
busy-wait in that case, it just means you're using a
fancy mechanism to do it; you still have to make the
compromise between fast response (by having an idle
handler that basically sucks up all free CPU cycles)
or being multitask-friendly (by using a timer so you
only check every second, say). The big plus of the
pipe approach is you get the best of both.

<soapbox>I think GTK+ really should have its
XtNoticeSignal() equivalent. It's a strange omission,
IMHO -- but I guess it keeps falling through the
cracks because it's not too difficult to work around.</soapbox>

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