Re: editable GtkCellRendererText and ypad properties

On Mon, 2006-03-13 at 18:48 +0100, Matteo Nastasi wrote:
Hi guys, 

there is a strange effect in GtkCellRendererText when you set ypad
property to a value like 15 or 20 and then click to edit it:
   the editable field fill all the cell and the text go up

   You can see the effect at:

It is correct ? There is some way to avoid this strange effect ?
I guess you could consider it a bug. As far as I can tell, there is no
workaround. You can connect to the "editing-started" signal of
GtkCellRendererText which passes the GtkEntry widget that is used to
edit the entry as second argument. However, you'd need to put the widget
into some sort of container that supports padding, which you can't do
since you just get the GtkEntry, and not its parent. If there is a bug,
then it is probably that GtkEntry only has gtk_entry_set_alignment which
specifies horizontal alignment and no such function for vertical

Sorry that this doens't help,


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