Problems with a GTKTextView within GTKNoteBook Page

In my application I have a GTKNotebook "object" with 5 pages. Some pages have editable fields like GTKtextView or GtkEntry or similar. When I change from a notebook page to an other using a keyboard shortcut (like alt-x) the entry fields of the page I am coming from are not completely gone. I can see the new "items" overlaping the old entry items, but the old ones are no more acessible. It seems it's a refreshing problem or something regarding the focus. So I put a "...grab_focus()" in my function as the first statement but this will not change anything!
Here is my function :

void pmcbSwitch2OrderDetails(int pageNr, gboolean sens)
   gtk_widget_set_sensitive (nbkOrderDetails, sens);

   g_currentTab=PMCBHELP_NOTEBOOK_ORDER | pageNr;

When ever I'm using the mouse an click on the tab I want to open everything is all right!!
What am I doing wrong!?

Thanks in advance


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