Re: Finding API documentation by function name

Sorry, I meant to type docextract instead of docbook.

On Dec 5, 2007 10:48 AM, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 09:42 +0000, Raja Mukherji wrote:
Thanks for the advice, I will try using docbook with a custom script
to convert the output as necessary. At the moment I'm simply using
sgrep to search the html files in devhelp and converting them to plain
text with html2text; it's crude but it gives me some information about
which methods have been wrapped. You can see my efforts here:
I really strongly suggest that you use the XML that I showed you, or
something similar. It is structured and should be far easier to parse.

Btw, there's a language-binding mailing list? I couldn't not see it on, how do I subscribe to this list?


murrayc murrayc com

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