Re: libglade frustration

On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 02:44:21PM -0800, wallace owen l-3com com wrote:
The source code is available for those that need to modify libglade.  It
doesn't come with the packaged distribution.  It is available from the
same web site as libglade binary packages.  A libglade extension writer
needs to refer to it, but if libglade's user manual is sufficient the
user shouldn't need to look at the source.
The users manual should be provided with every copy of a packaged
distribution.  The user's manual should provide sufficient instruction
on how to operate libglade.  If a developer finds himself needing to
refer to the source to run libglade, the user's manual is inferior and
should be amended with sufficient user instructions, including examples
of deriving from classes that implement interfaces, using signals in
GObject, etc.
libglade developers do not produce any binary packages.

Their product does come with examples.

Requiring that the examples have to be included in full in
the text of the manual instead of in a compilable form as
standalone files is silly.



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