Re: libglade frustration redux

On Saturday 17 February 2007 12:38 pm, Michael Torrie wrote:

My comments about information access is addressed on another email.

The example works just as it is supposed to.  I get a pulsing progress
bar which, on my GTK theme, is a small blue rectangle that moves back
and forth in the progress bar.  How the pulsing progress bar looks is
entirely dependent on the theme.  In some themes, you get an effect
similar to a barber shop pole across the entire width of the progress
The progress bar displayed on my system is simple a near empty rectangle with 
a small red bar (3-4 pixels wide) at the left hand end of the rectangle.  The 
bar is totally motionless.

What were you expecting to see?
The description led me to expect to see some action but it was not clear as to 

Anyway, I hope this addresses your concerns.
Only in the sense that I was correct in assuming that I would see some 
animation and that something was wrong when I didn't.

Regarding "theme," all I can say is that I run on a vanilla KDE screen and do 
not pay any attention to themes.  It is what was put up when I installed and 
first booted the system and did everything I needed and was close to what I 
am used to using in the past.  If selecting an appropriate theme is necessary 
for example2 to function properly then I feel that the GTK+ has a serious 

Thank-you for pointing out that proper functioning may be theme dependent.
This saves me from wasting any more time in trying to resolve this problem.
But this point is mute as I (as indicated on my other email) have given up on 

Thanks for your reply and assistance.

The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due
to the absence from Jerusalem of a lunatic asylum.
-- Havelock Ellis (1859-1939)  British psychologist

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