Re: Tooltips for GtkTreeView?

Hello Ed,

Am Donnerstag 22 Februar 2007 21:10 schrieb Ed Catmur:
On Thu, 2007-02-22 at 20:50 +0100, Jan-Oliver Wagner wrote:
does anyone established tooltips for the entries in a GtkTreeView?

I've not found anything ready-to-use in the GTK API nor through a google
search. So, any hint is welcome.
You want Kris's super-shiny new tooltips API, which is so super-shiny
that it isn't in a released version (will be in GTK+ 2.12) and isn't
even properly documented yet.  No, it isn't possible with pre-2.12,
though there are some hacks floating around I believe.  (Fairly obvious:
you monitor mouse motion over the treeview and continually update the
tooltip text.  Rather inefficient, of course.)
Hope this is what you were looking for,
well, yes and no. I am bound to use GTK 2.4.
I was hoping for a pointer at some sample code (even inefficient).

I also am wondering if someone fidled this based on callbacks via  
gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func() ? IIUC, this would
be the other way around: have the path (and therefore context to tooltip)
and need to get position to raise tooltip. Wrong?



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