Re: Multiple threads and gtk_main()

I'm new to gtk and still reading tutorials, but can we
register a new signal to any global object (possiblely
main window), thus call back function can be connected
in the main thread and the signal can be emitted in
other threads?

--- Jonathan Winterflood
<jonathan winterflood gmail com> wrote:

On 7/11/07, Gabriele Greco <gabriele greco darts it>
Jonathan Winterflood wrote:
Could the GAsyncQueue be configured to run a
callback in the main thread
when a element (or whatever gets pushed into it)
is ready, just like one
woud do with a GIOChannel ?

It would be cleaner than a timeout or an idle
function I think.
That will be the ideal solution, but unfortunately
I fear there is no
API to hook an asyncqueue to a giochannel or
straight to the main loop.

Indeed, it seems so...
What about creating a couple of GIOChannels and
using them the same as a
pipe, but inside the program (then just pass
pointers through it, the same
as with the asynqueue?)

I'm not sure it's possible though, just probing...

<Morpheus> linux, c'est une question de VI ou de
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