How do I remove the close button from a window in Fedora Core 5?

I need to remove the close button from a window, but (due to
requirements beyond my control) I must use code that is compatible with
libraries available in Fedora Core 5.  So, I cannot use set_deletable()
or gtk_window_set_deletable().  Does anyone know how to do this?
I am using a class that derives from Gtk::Window and attempted to simply
create a slightly modified version of gtk_window_set_deletable() which
strips out the checking to see if I want it to be deletable or not
(since I definitely want the window to NOW be deletable).  But it is not
working.  Here is the code I am using:

        GtkWindow* window = this->gobj();

        GtkWindowPrivate *priv;

        priv = GTK_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE (window);


        if (GTK_WIDGET (window)->window)


            gdk_window_set_functions (GTK_WIDGET (window)->window,


I am not sure why, but the "GTK_WIDGET (window)->window" is false (which
I suspect means I am actually getting a NULL value for
g_type_instance_cast() which is used by the GTK_WIDGET macro).  Since
the Gtk::Window::gobj() function returns a GtkWindow*, I do not
understand why this is failing.  I would appreciate any advice on what I
am doing wrong...or if there is an easier way to do this.
Thank you,
Jonathan Cooper

Software Developer

jcooper guardianedge com

         415.683.2433 - D
415.683.2433 - C 415.683.2428 - F

473 McLaws Circle
Williamsburg, VA 23185


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