Re: gtk+ about dialog doesn't close

On Sat, Jun 02, 2007 at 07:26:02AM +0200, John Zoidberg wrote:
I have a problem with the gtk about dialog: When I click on the Close button
it doesn't close.
There seems to be no event connected to the close button clicked signal.
And I can't add one either in Glade (v2 as well as v3).

What am I supposed to add to the code so that it works?

Connect to "response" signal of the about dialog and if the
response id is one of
GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE (Close button should emit this)
GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL (but Close button actually emits this)
GTK_RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT (closed by window manager means)
destroy/hide/whatever the dialog.

I find GtkAboutDialog a textbook example of second system
effect -- I mean an about dialog with several nested
subdialogs, at least one of them tabbed?  The complete user
interface of some applications is simplier than GtkAboutDialog.



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