Re: GtkFileFilter / GtkRecentFilter not using exact mime detection.


can it be a bug in the backend instead? I mean the part the provides the mime-type? gio/gnome-vfs? Can it be a gio regression? On last gnome-version when I clicked such a file in nautilus it was showing the exact type then, now it does not anymore.
$ gvfs-info -a "standard" ../../tests/songs/melo3.xml
 standard::name: melo3.xml
 standard::content-type: application/xml
 standard::fast-content-type: application/xml

I've also checked the I don't see what possible I do different in my xml snippet:
 <mime-type type="audio/x-bzt-xml">
   <glob pattern="*.xml" weigth="80"/>
   <magic priority="80">
     <match type="string" value="&lt;buzztard" offset="0:100"/>
     <match type="string" value=""; offset="0:100"/>
   <sub-class-of type="application/xml" />
   <comment>buzztard song (xml)</comment>

I've filed a ticket under:
for gio - not sure that this is the culprit though.


Stefan Kost schrieb:

I am using GtkFileFilter / GtkRecentFilter in my app with mime-type filters. Unfortunately the filters use only the quick way (looking at extensions). Can the somehow be configured to do exact sniffing?

> gnomevfs-info ./melo1.xml | head -n3
Name              : melo1.xml
Type              : Regular
MIME type         : application/xml

> gnomevfs-info -s ./melo1.xml | head -n3
Name              : melo1.xml
Type              : Regular
MIME type         : audio/x-bzt-xml

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