Using GtkTreeViewDropPosition in drag and drop

I haven't worked with drag and drop all that much.

I have an application in which I'm dragging rows from one tree view onto another tree view. It's working great except for one piece...
Using the gtk_tree_view_get_dest_row_at_pos () in the "drag-motion" 
signal handler, I am able to get the GtkTreeViewDropPosition and change 
the drop indicator accordingly based on the return value (root nodes 
accept drop into, child nodes only show dropping before or after).
However, using that same call to gtk_tree_view_get_dest_row_at_pos () in 
the "drag-data-recieved" signal handler gets the path okay, but does not 
set the GtkTreeViewDropPosition. Thus, the row is not always dropped 
into the position that was indicated by the motion event.
Can anybody tell me why the GtkTreeViewDropPosition wouldn't be 
obtainable in the "drag-data-recieved" handler?
- Micah Carrick

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