Re: libgnomedb3.0: WARNING **: could expand "" into list of field

2008/9/1 paragasu <paragasu gmail com>:
i am very new into this gtk and libgnomedb. this is my first attempt
Please post to the Gnome-Db list if your post is about Gnome-DB.

write one, i have one

GtkWidget *page_1(GdaConnection *conn)
       GtkWidget *vbox;
       GdaQuery *query;
       GdaDict *dict = gda_dict_new();
       gda_dict_set_connection(dict, conn);

       query = gda_query_new_from_sql(dict, "SELECT * FROM account", NULL);
       GdaDataModel *acc_list_model = gda_data_model_query_new(query);

       query = gda_query_new_from_sql(dict,
                       "SELECT * from account"
                       "WHERE acc_id=##/*name=:'acc_id' type:gint descr:'account id'*/",

       GdaDataModel *payment_model = gda_data_model_query_new(query);

       GdaParameterList *params =
       GdaParameter *param = gda_parameter_list_find_param(params, "acc_id");

   GtkWidget *grid = gnome_db_raw_grid_new(acc_list_model);
       GtkWidget *form = gnome_db_raw_form_new(payment_model);

       gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), grid, FALSE, FALSE, 3);
       gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(vbox), form);

       return vbox;


the code compile well. except it give up warning  and segmentation fault.

WARNING **: could  expand 'account.*' into list of fields
The (hidden and not obvious) reason is that the dictionary you use is
not up to date with the database structure, and specifically it knows
nothing about the "account" table. To solve this you can either make
sure the dictionary is up to date (use
gda_dict_update_dbms_meta_data()), or you can simlply re-write your
code and replace the '*' from "SELECT *..."  with the actual fields to

BTW, if you are starting with the library on new code, I strongly
encourage you to use the last 3.99.x version as its API is far easier
to use and less buggy (the only disadvantage is that the API is not
yet stable but mostly).



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