Re: Question about Callback


In your case where you have multiple buttons operating on the same
logical data field, using a single callback function is very practical.

The same can be said for a callback that performs a single logical
function, all windows/object should attempt to reuse that callback if
they need that functions.  

Example; being a pair of callback I wrote that is called when a window
is hidden or shown.  All my dialogs/windows that need that service reuse
those single callbacks. To handle the fact that each window instance
saves its visibility value in a different variable/address, I pass into
the g_signal_connect(..., &b_visible) the address of that variable when
creating each window.

void cb_main_interface_show (GtkWidget * widget, gboolean *pb_visible)
  g_return_if_fail (pb_visible != NULL);
  *pb_visible = TRUE;
void cb_main_interface_hide (GtkWidget * widget, gboolean *pb_visible)
  g_return_if_fail (pb_visible != NULL);
  *pb_visible = FALSE;

To me this helps organize the code and makes it easier to maintain.  The
cost of this reuse is fairly low, and the g_object_[set|get]_data()
along with user-data cb_id flags, normally handles it well.  Of course
all this reuse can be impacted by the to many global/static variables --
which limits the re-entrancy or reuse  of any program.

My two.


On Tue, 2009-01-13 at 20:40 +0100, Rudolfo Pinewood wrote:
thanks for your answer. I think I understand my code a bit better now...
I wonder whether it is "best practice" to use static functions for these 
callbacks - in my code it is actually a member function (because of 
having many different buttons whose states form a bitfield that is 
"compressed" to one int value. I did not find any example that does not 
use such static functions.

Christoph Hartwig

James Scott Jr schrieb:
You can also use:
- in the routine that creates the button, save a unique value.
 g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(button), "Unique-Key", &some-value)

-in button callback routine, retrieve the unique value.
some-value-pointer = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(button), "Unique-Key");

This in addition to any pre-allocated memory structure you passed in the
g_signal_connect(), or g_signal_connect_swapped().   The issue with
reuse of button callbacks is always how to determine which button! I do
two things;
1. pre-allocate a memory structure with the first value a fixed id of
some sort (or related to the button's function).  example

typedef struct _SomeButton {
 gint cb_id;
} SomeButton, *PSomeButton;
PSomeButton memButton = NULL;
memButton = g_new0(SomeButton, 1);
memButton->cb_id = EXIT_BUTTON_CBID;
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button), "toggled", 
          G_CALLBACK(fn_callback), memButton);

2. g_object_set_data() and g_object_get_data() as described earlier.
checking the cb_id of the userdata from g_signal... and also getting
this extra value helps your positively identify which button was

Either method will work, but sometimes both come in handy.

Hope that helps.  Also, here is a link to source code that may help
explain better.

And don't forget to review 'gtk-demo', it has good examples.


On Sun, 2009-01-11 at 12:42 +0100, Rudolfo Pinewood wrote:
I have a question regarding Callback functions for Toggle buttons.

I have several togglebuttons, that are all registered to call one
specific function (ApplyFlags). In this function I actually don't know
which button was activated.

My attempt was giving each button/callback an additional parameter that
should be passed to my ApplyFlags function.

However I was not able to do so - MemberCaller1 seems to fit (regarding
the "call one function with one parameter") but I did not manage to get
my parameter into that Callback in
g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(button), "toggled", 
G_CALLBACK(callback.getThunk()), callback.getEnvironment()).

How could this be done?
Thanks in advance
Christoph Hartwig
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