Suggestion, adding a valid glibconfig.h to win32 download bundle


I had a problem with glib because of my idea of fixing a missing glibconfig.h in my mingw-environment :-)
(see mingw-users list "Compiler Basics..." when interested)

As far as i see the only "correct" way of getting a vaild glib-config.h is building the glibs, right?

But why providing a dev-package with includes and glib-binaries when i have to build them anyway to get the glib-config?
(Well win32 people are often not very enthused when the read "just build the lib...")

I don't know what is exactly machine-dependent in the glibconfig.h, but i worked a half year without noticing any problem with my linux file!
My suggestion is to add a valid glibconfig.h to the win32 packages.
If this is a problem because of any machine-dependency, then a workaround could be a extra downloadable file (wich will work for most people) with comments what is to take care for.
Best regards,

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