Re: GString in GtkTreeStore columns

Hello all,

problem solved (thanks, Tadej!). For the archive: If a column of a GtkTreeStore is defined as G_TYPE_STRING, then gtk_tree_store_set will make a copy of the string contents.
> string = g_string_new( "Sample text" );
> /* Next call will free any string that was present in first column
> * of a row pointed to by an iter and copy string->str into it's place. */
> gtk_tree_store_set( store, &iter, 0, string->str, -1 );
> /* You'll probably want to free your GString now, since there is no
>  * point having one string copy in tree store and another one
>  * in GString structure. */
> g_string_free( string, TRUE );

Documentation of gtk_tree_store_set says "The value will be copied or referenced by the store if appropriate" -- so apparently, it *is* appropriate for gtk_tree_store_set to copy the string contents.

Konrad Anton <konrad minus1 de>
   Tel. +49-761-21429279

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