RE: Custom container with multiple GdkWindows. Adding widgets don't show.

Thanks. Your first solution helped a bit. But I finally understood how totem does it. It is an entirely 
different approach and maybe easier. Totem uses, for the video part, a custom widget named "Bacon". When in 
fullscreen mode Bacon covers the whole screen. The controls that pop-up when the mouse is moved are actually 
packed in a separate GtkWindow. This window is of type "GTK_WINDOW_POPUP". That's why it shows above the 
Bacon widget. And lastly, the right-click popup menus by default show above the Bacon widget.

Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 15:44:48 -0400
Subject: Re: Custom container with multiple GdkWindows. Adding widgets don't  show.
From: rainwoodman gmail com
To: sledgehammer_999 hotmail com

Hi Sledge,

Not sure if my information is helpful:

1. If you want the button to be completely inside the green window,
   Try gtk_widget_set_parent_window(button, green_gdk_window);

I can't remember if a GtkButton has its window or if it is windowless. so

2. If the button does have a gdk window, call gdk_window_raise on it.
3. If the button does not have a gdk window, put it into a GtkEventBox
with visible window, then add the eventbox to the black window(with
set_parent) and raise it.


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