Re: Help with Glade-3 and gtk.ScrolledWindow

It seems so obvious now that you point it out.  I have no excuse for
not figuring that out on my own.  Guess I'm just a n00b.  Thanks for
the help.

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 3:55 PM, Tadej Borovšak <tadeboro gmail com> wrote:

There are two kinds of widgets when it comes to adding them in
scrolled window: those that support scrolling natively and those who

Widgets with native scrolling ability are only four: GtkTextView,
GtkTreeView, GtkIconView and GtkViewport. Those widgets should be
added to scrolled window using gtk_container_add function.

All other widgets don't support scrolling, and this is why they need
to be added inside GtkViewport prior being packed inside scrolled
window. You can do that manually by creating viewport and packing it
in scrolled window or use convenience function
gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport that does this for you.

Hope this information helps a bit.


2009/5/12  <asomers gmail com>:
I'm trying to use a Scrolled Window in my application, but without
success.  Using a TextView as the child widget works, but for any
other child widget I get the following error when I run the program: GtkWarning: gtk_scrolled_window_add(): cannot add
non scrollable widget use gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport()

Then the program appears but without any scroll bars.

I've attached a test case.  My system is:
Ubuntu 9.04 amd64
python 2.6.2
python-gtk2-dev 2.14.1-1ubuntu
glade-3 3.6.3

Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?  Here is what I've tried already:
1) Using a table of buttons, or a table of labels, or an image as the
child widget of the ScrolledWindow produces the same results
2) Using a TextView as the child widget produces the desired result
3) Using libglade instead of gtk.Builder produces the same results
4) Saving the project in libglade format, then converting it with
gtk-builder-convert and loading it with gtk.Builder produces the same
5) Running the example at
produces the same results, if I replace its TextView widget with a
table of buttons.
6) Running the C example at that same website produces the same results.
7) Running the example from python-gtk2-tutorial works.
 This example does not use Glade in any way.

-Alan Somers

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Tadej Borovšak
tadeboro gmail com
tadej borovsak gmail com

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