Re: how to prevent standby during critical operations on linux

A. Walton wrote:
On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 6:05 PM, frm <francesco montorsi gmail com> wrote:
Just a few more questions about it:
1) the page you linked seems to contain API docs for a generic language (not
necessarily C/C++) nor it contains any info about which library/header files
contain those APIs... how can I use it from a C/C++ program?

It's the D-Bus api, as it says on the page.

I suspect the OP's question was more about the documentation
conventions, the language binding conventions and details and an overall
'map' of the documentation set.

At least, that's what I think, coming to that page with no prior
context. I can assume what the method signatures mean and what a 'D-Bus
API' might be for but it's hard to make use of the information on the
page without a lot of digging around and the worry I might not have
found some important details or background.

The page would be improved enormously for readers new to the subject by
a link or two to the top levels of the documentation. A quick google
suggests that links to these documents might be appropriate, but there
may be better choices:

HTH, Dave

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