Re: GTK 2.20 for Windows

On Sun, 11 Apr 2010, Tor Lillqvist wrote:

The most likely end result (which, of course, to some extent is
already happening) will be just competing projects, each saying "we
are the way to do Open Source package management on Windows", with
each such project having some pet feature that people from other
backgrounds/cultures then have difficulties to accept. (Examples of
such potentially controversial pet features that I can imagine would
pop up: 1) Being based on Python, 2) Being .NET-based and use C#, 3)
Being associated with some existinging Linux
subculture/project/whatever, like KDE or GNOME, 4) Being strongly
Windows Installer -oriented, 5) Being strongly opposed to Windows
Installer, 6) Being associated with a certain Linux distro. Etc.

(My *personal* orientation is such that I wouldn't mind helping out in
something that would use C# and .NET technologies to do it, but not
too much of other weird Microsoft stuff please. I don't come from a
KDE background, so I would probably not like it if the driving forces
would be "KDE people" and want to use CMake for instance. I don't
really know or love Python. I wouldn't mind having some compatibility
with Windows Installer. Etc.)

i recently found that:

there's an irc chan : #coapp freenode

i don't know if their design is good or not, though.

Vincent Torri

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