Re: Glib mutex doesn't work on Windows

On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 18:30:28 +0100 (CET)
Michael T. <myso77 seznam cz> wrote:
That is not of itself an error, but it invites the question
whether, for example, he has called g_thread_init().
Yeah, you're right. I called the test function before calling
gtk_init(), which also takes care of the g_thread_init(). So I found
out, that GStaticMutex actually worked for my test sample program,
but didn't work in the developed application as expected. After heavy
investigation I realized that using mutexes is not a good solution
for what I was trying to achieve and that the random behaviour was
rather a design problem. I used a different way for thread
synchronization and it works fine.
I don't think that gtk_init() does call g_thread_init().  Pre-glib-2.26
(I think, it may be pre-2.24) g_thread_init() had to be called before
any other glib call. gtk_init() initialises the type system for you -
there is no need to call g_type_init(), but this does not extend I
believe to thread support.

As it happens I don't believe it calls gdk_threads_init() either,
but gdk_threads_init() doesn't apply to windows programs (nor is it
necessary for gtk+ programs for unix-like systems where only one
thread addresses gtk+ functions).

In a multi-threaded program you need to call g_thread_init() in order
to make glib thread safe, irrespective of whether you use GThreads.  So
I should make an early and explicit call to g_thread_init().  If you
want to support earlier versions of glib, you must make the call to
g_thread_init() before any other glib or gtk+ call.

By the way, what is OP?
Original poster.


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