Re: How to get a widget from its parent of parent(...) by name?

Il giorno Wed, 9 Jun 2010 14:54:07 +0200
Tadej BorovÅak <tadeboro gmail com> ha scritto:


Thank you, I'm sorry for that I didn't explain the problem clearer. What I
meant is that there is no similar function of
'glade_get_widget_tree(widget)'. At the context where should call
gtk_builder_get_object(), there is no 'GtkBuilder* builder' available. In
the previous code, we can call 'glade_get_widget_tree(widget)' to get the
GladeXml object of the given 'widget'. However, I don't know how to do it in

If I can get the GtkBuilder object from 'assistant', then I can call
gtk_builder_get_object() to get the widget by its id. If I cannot get it,
then how to get the widget by id from the top level widget? Thanks.
I'm afraid that there is no equivalent for that in GtkBuilder (objects
that are constructed by builder don't carry any information about who
constructed them). You'll need to pass your builder object around
manually (g_object_set_data() would be one option, global variable
second, struct that is passed to all of the functions would be third,
I'd like to suggest another alternative, that is programmatically
traverse the widget tree. The following untested snippet just to
give the idea:

GtkWidget *
gtk_widget_lookup(GtkWidget *top_level, const gchar *name)
    GtkWidget *widget = NULL;

    if (strcmp(name, gtk_widget_get_name(top_level) == 0) {
        widget = top_level;
    } else if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER(top_level)) {
        GList *children = gtk_container_get_children(top_level);
        while (children) {
            if (widget == NULL)
                widget = lookup_widget(children->data, name);
            children = g_list_delete_link(children, children);

    return widget;


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