Re: gtk window accelerator process problem.

what works and what does not? if your focus is in the text widget I
guess you get the 'textview copy' action, and if your focus is
elsewhere you get the menu callback ? Or is it different?

b.t.w.: do your users expect that <ctrl><c> works differently in a
different context?


2010/3/1 Xiaoyu Du <duxy sinogrid com>:
I have a problem about gtk keybindings.
I have a menu in main window , and add CTRL+C accelerator,
but in the same window, I have a text view use ctrl+c too
I want user text view built-in CTRL+C to process my key press
event, but for others widgets in main window, I want use the
menu ctrl+c singal. Can anyone help me to solve this?

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