Re: gtk assistant any good?

Hi Michal

A day since you posted your question and noone has replied.

I have not used (or heard of) GTK assistant.

Generally I used GTK2 programming in C with no problems, and you might try the same.
However, have not used GTK now for a year or more, so things might have 
changed with GTK3.
GTK2 was an excellent product.  Try PyGTK if you dont use C.  I found it 
easy to use, but I already knew GTK when I tried it a few months ago.
I find most IDEs more trouble than they are worth;  others disagree.

Not very helpful, but the best I can do.

Rgds Bill

On 18/08/11 03:11, Michal Suchanek wrote:

I am writing an UI for my application and I thought I could use the
gtk assistant window.

However, testing the UI reveals serious issues with the pre-made assistant.

It's quite hard to make the assistant advance when the user selects something.

So far I have some 2-3 pages and start with all pages incomplete.

My page with buttons works OK when visited for the first time. I added
a function to manually advance to the next page when a button is

When returning to the page it is already completed and one of the
buttons pressed. Pressing a different button advances to the next page
again but pressing enter on the already depressed button does nothing.
The Forward button is now enabled but not the default.

On a page with combobox (actually a dropdown selection, not sure why
it is named such) I turn on the forward button by completing the page
when the selection changes. Now even on the first visit the assistant
is stuck unless the user painstakingly presses Alt+F. It is not
possible to leave the combobox neither with arrows nor tab nor enter.

My only page that is more or less working is one with file chooser
widget. The widget fires lots of superfluous events every time it is
displayed so  I only need to check that the file selected is suitable.
It has a special event for activating a file with enter or doubleclick
which I can use to advance to the next page manually without using the
forward button. It has one unfortunate side effect, though. It uses
Alt+b for browse so the back button is not easily accessible anymore.

Any tips on using the gtk built-in assistant or should I just roll my
own when I want some at least  half-usable UI?


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