Re: Key Repeats

Hi Jannis,

Yes, yes.  I should have thought of this.  I am just going to put a
Key_Down variable in scope of the key-pressed-event function and the
key-released-event function, and set it accordingly.  God, I am getting

Yet, you have got my interest with the XKeyboardControl control thing.
I never knew it existed.  Thanks.

Craig Bakalian

On Tue, 2011-08-30 at 12:00 +0000, gtk-app-devel-list-request gnome org
Hi All,

Don't we have a way to program (via gtk) if a key, when pressed,
repeats its signal?  Example- the 'a' key, if repeat is on key, I
get> Hi All,

Don't we have a way to program (via gtk) if a key, when pressed,
repeats its signal?  Example- the 'a' key, if repeat is on key, I get
aaaaaaaaaaa, or if repeat is off I get one a.  Right now I am using
the System Settings.
Connect to the key-press-event signal, remember the last key and ignore
follow-up press events for that particular key? (This requires to reset
the remembered key whenever a different key is pressed.)

If you want this behavior globally and not just in your application or
widget, you can do something like

  XKeyboardControl control;
  control.auto_repeat_mode = 0;

  gdk_error_trap_push ();
  XChangeKeyboardControl (GDK_DISPLAY (), KBAutoRepeatMode, &control);
  gdk_error_trap_pop ();

That will suppress repeated key press events entirely.

aaaaaaaaaaa, or if repeat is off I get one a.  Right now I am using
the System Settings.
Connect to the key-press-event signal, remember the last key and
follow-up press events for that particular key? (This requires to
the remembered key whenever a different key is pressed.)

If you want this behavior globally and not just in your application or
widget, you can do something like

  XKeyboardControl control;
  control.auto_repeat_mode = 0;

  gdk_error_trap_push ();
  XChangeKeyboardControl (GDK_DISPLAY (), KBAutoRepeatMode, &control);
  gdk_error_trap_pop ();

That will suppress repeated key press events entirely.


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