Jack And Gtk+


I am working on a project to simplify music entry into lilypond files.
Lilypond is a markup language like Latex, but for music.  I am using
jack to connect my application to a midi keyboard.  The midi keyboard
sends midi events to the gtk application which then transforms the midi
event into lilypond markup.  

So, the midi keyboard is hooked to jack, jack is hooked to an
input_process in my application ( a callback ), and that callback does

gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor(buffer, music_note->str,

g_string_free(music_note, FALSE);        

The above works fine unless I load a language file to highlight the
lilypond syntax.  Or, said better, if I do this on my gtksourceview 

  GtkSourceLanguageManager *lm;
  GtkSourceLanguage *language;
  GtkSourceBuffer *buffer;
  buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview));
  lm = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(buffer), "languages-manager");
  language = gtk_source_language_manager_get_language(lm, "lily");
  if(language != NULL)
    gtk_source_buffer_set_language(buffer, language);

I get errors and a crash during the midi entry, but if I take the
language out everything works fine.  And, the language file works fine
if I just type from a standard computer keyboard.  It isn't the language

Why does it crash only when the language file is loaded?
Any ideas?

Craig Bakalian

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