Re: Strange dead lock with g_threads_enter

On Sat, 5 Mar 2011 11:58:23 +0800
Wei-Ning Huang <aitjcize gmail com> wrote:
From what I can see, the program is stuck because the main thread
locked a mutex in #3.
But from the backtrace, the mutex seems to be locked by
gtk_main_loop_run() which is something I can't control,
and somehow it locked the same mutex as gdk_threads_enter()? any
If it isn't recursion then somewhere in your '....' you probably have
out-of-order locking.

I should start by making the gdk global lock 'Lock 1' and work from
there. In other words, don't call gdk_threads_enter() when you are
holding a lock of your own.  Also, don't call gdk_threads_enter() in a
GTK+ signal handler because it will already be locked there.  (But that
is not true of ordinary glib main loop events.)

Best of all, don't use the global lock at all but instead invoke
callbacks in the main loop with g_idle_add().   This is a cleaner
design and also has the benefit of making your program portable to
windows and other non-X11 platforms.


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