Re: gdk/gtk+ win32 thread question, please help to explain

On 11/23/2011 07:28 AM, KC wrote:
On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Michael Cronenworth <mike cchtml com> wrote:
On 11/22/2011 10:13 PM, KC wrote:
So the "Unfortunately ..." statement only apply to GDK on WIN32 ?
It's safe to call GTK+ APIs (if protected by gdk_threads_enter/leave)
from multi-threads even on WIN32 backend ? Is this correct ?
No. GTK2 (I can't say about GTK3, but I bet it is the same) most definitely
does not work with threads even with gdk_threads_enter/leave under Win32.

You can use threads in your app, but all GTK2 operations must be strictly
done by the primary thread.
So, the gtk-thread.c example from
works on WIN32 is just good luck ?
In that case, it will be better if the document can add a NOTE for
gtk-thread.c example to remind reader it's not guarantee to work on WIN32.

It's actually well documented on:
-> Windows portability for gnome software

Emmanuel Thomas-Maurin <manutm007 gmail com>

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