Re: key press events & holding keys down

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 07:25:22PM +0000, Chris Vine wrote:
Are you saying that on your hardware, holding one key down blocks press
and release events for all other keys?  I am not saying you are
wrong, but I find that surprising.
IMO Christopher observes this:
1) press A
2) press B while still holding A
3) release B while still holding A
You get no auto-repeat key events for A after 3) even though you still
hold it.

The solution can be either using something more low level(?) or simply
*NOT* getting your key events from Gdk key events and ignoring
autorepeat altogether.  (This is probably what has been â unclearly â
already suggested.)

You only use Gdk key events to get notifications that a key was
pressed or released â and update the set of pressed keys.  Then you use
a timer to regularly observe what keys are in the set of pressed keys.
And base the controls processing on what you find in the timer.  NOT the
Gdk key events themselves.


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