Re: Slow combo box when adding 500 rows

I just tested the code on my older 2-cpu-core laptop and it loads
lightning fast (within 0.5 or 2 seconds for both gtk2 and gtk3.). So
it must be some peculiarities with my i7 8-core laptop, or with the
Ubuntu 12.04 itself.

Here are also GtkPerf tests on both these machine.

1) GtkPerf test on this super 8-cpu-core laptop.
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz × 8.
GPU: GeForce GT 525M.
The combo loads very slowly on this.

$ gtkperf
GtkPerf 0.40 - Starting testing: Fri May 25 15:12:54 2012
GtkEntry - time:  0.03
GtkComboBox - time:  1.47
GtkComboBoxEntry - time:  0.97
GtkSpinButton - time:  0.09
GtkProgressBar - time:  0.07
GtkToggleButton - time:  0.65
GtkCheckButton - time:  0.09
GtkRadioButton - time:  0.13
GtkTextView - Add text - time:  0.50
GtkTextView - Scroll - time:  0.05
GtkDrawingArea - Lines - time:  0.52
GtkDrawingArea - Circles - time:  0.62
GtkDrawingArea - Text - time:  0.21
GtkDrawingArea - Pixbufs - time:  0.04
Total time:  5.45

2) GtkPerf test on my old 2-core-cpu laptop.
CPU: Genuine Intel(R) CPU  T2080  @ 1.73GHz.
GPU: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]
The combo appears almost instantly on this laptop. Especially fast on
gtk2, but gtk3 is quick too.

$ gtkperf
GtkPerf 0.40 - Starting testing: Fri May 25 15:38:56 2012

GtkEntry - time:  0.09
GtkComboBox - time:  3.31
GtkComboBoxEntry - time:  2.77
GtkSpinButton - time:  0.30
GtkProgressBar - time:  0.23
GtkToggleButton - time:  1.29
GtkCheckButton - time:  0.23
GtkRadioButton - time:  0.38
GtkTextView - Add text - time:  1.30
GtkTextView - Scroll - time:  0.46
GtkDrawingArea - Lines - time:  0.96
GtkDrawingArea - Circles - time:  1.70
GtkDrawingArea - Text - time:  0.92
GtkDrawingArea - Pixbufs - time:  0.19
Total time: 14.15

These GtkPerf tests do not support the "bad video adapter" theory. The
results are as expected.

I will later test Fedora and maybe LinuxMint 13 on this super machine.
Maybe I kill Ubuntu!

And BTW: The actual application will be a desktop-radio. It loads
station names and urls from a large xml-file
(Ref: ).
The radio stations are <Group>ed by countries, genres of music etc,
and I will let user search among these channel groups. The xml-file
itself loads without delay.

Ok, thanks so far. All well.
  Osmo Moma Antero

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 10:14 PM, Michael Cronenworth <mike cchtml com> wrote:
Osmo Antero wrote:
Adding rows to a combo box with a GtkListStore is immensely slow.
Is it right that adding 500 rows can take upto 10 seconds and the GUI freezes?
I have similar hardware but with the NVIDIA driver so it only freezes
for about 2 seconds on my system.

What is your opinion?
Should I use a thread to add data after the GUI has been displayed?
It looks like a GTK3 performance issue. Running your app against GTK2
results in the combo widget displaying instantly. Another reason why I
have not jumped from GTK2 to GTK3 yet.

You should file a bug with this test case.
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// moma

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