gtkrbtree core dump

Hello all,

I am encountering an infrequent but serious bug which is causing core dumps in one or more of my GTK3+ apps. At the time my code dumps core I see the message
Gtk:ERROR:gtkrbtree.c:465:_gtk_rbtree_insert_after: assertion failed: 
(_gtk_rbtree_is_nil (tree->root))
The last time this happened a few days ago my app was actually in a 
quiescent state in terms of GUI events -- it just up and core dumped even 
though no user interactivity (and resulting callbacks) had taken place for 
a minute or two. There was a work procedure (registered via 
g_idle_add_full) being called periodically to check for external file 
input data, but that input was also quiescent, and in any case the work 
procedure makes no changes to any GTK objects.
In my development and testing I see this occur once every couple of weeks,
and I believe that I have seen it in multiple apps although it happens so rarely that I am not certain about that. It is impossible to duplicate. Unfortunately some of my apps are intended to run for weeks at a time, having them crash is a very bad thing, and the likelihood of this occurring at least once during such a time period is unacceptably high.
Has anyone else ever seen this (I found only a couple not especially 
helpful references on the web), and/or does anyone know what is calling 
_gtk_rbtree_insert_after()? It isn't me, at least not directly, and I can 
find no reference to it in the GTK+3 docs. What kind of programming error 
on my part might lead to such an outcome?

Roger Davis
Univ. of Hawaii

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