Re: xgettext not extracting strings in a Glade GtkListStore

On Wed, 2013-08-07 at 00:08 -0700, Kip Warner wrote:
Hey list,

I'm not sure if this is a bug in xgettext or not, but I figured I'd run
it by this list before possibly posting on bug-gettext gnu org 

I have a sample GtkListStore declared within a Glade file containing a
single row with one column of type gchararray. Note that the string is
marked as translatable="yes". When I pass it through xgettext, it does
not appear to see the localizable string in the GtkListStore.

        $ cat 
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.0 -->
          <object class="GtkListStore" id="liststore1">
              <!-- column-name column_name -->
              <column type="gchararray"/>
                <col id="0" translatable="yes">stuff</col>
          <object class="GtkWindow" id="window1">
            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
              <object class="GtkComboBox" id="combobox1">
                <property name="visible">True</property>
                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
                <property name="model">liststore1</property>

I am using xgettext as follows, without any foo.pot being generated
against the above minimal:

        $ xgettext --language Glade --output=foo.pot

In case anyone else is having this problem, this was fixed in xgettext
0.18.3 with support for Glade 3.[1]

[1] <>

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred

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