Re: How to call WebKit.DOMDocument.evaluate function in python


Thanks for the pointer. I noticed that I made a stupid mistake and was sending document as a first parameter.

Your example opened my eyes and now it looks like its running ok.



On 07/02/2013 02:37 PM, Simon Feltman wrote:

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Niranjan Rao <nhrdls gmail com <mailto:nhrdls gmail com>> wrote:

    And yes, I had tried creating empty WebKit.DOMXPathResult object
    and passing it. Did not work.

It would be helpful to know the details of what didn't work. Code examples of what you have tried, or steps to reproduce the problems you are seeing can be invaluable for getting help. A simple example on my system shows using an empty DOMXPathResult is actually working:

In [1]: from gi.repository import WebKit
In [2]: view = WebKit.WebView()
In [3]: dom = view.get_dom_document()
In [4]: dom.evaluate('/', dom, WebKit.DOMXPathNSResolver(), 0, WebKit.DOMXPathResult()) Out[4]: <DOMXPathResult object at 0x7fc670b08eb0 (WebKitDOMXPathResult at 0x2ea90f0)>

This is with PyGObject/GTK+ version 3.8.2 (not sure about WebKit version). If this does not work with older versions, supporting a fallback with ctypes hacks sounds reasonable. This would allow support for older versions while ensuring use of proper API on newer versions. If the __gpointer__ attribute is not available or not useful, you can still find the pointer to the GObject by using offsets of the pointer field on the PyGObject wrapper. But code examples of what you have already tried will be needed to further aid you with this.


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