Re: Gdk 3.4.1

Thank you Simon. I have already seen this and since all of my coding was with Gdk only using a Gtk
method means I have to redesign my software.

I am not sure if I want to take that on.


The migration guide should help you along if you have not already found it:

Specifically the expose-event signal has been replace with GtkWidget::draw.


On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 10:52 PM, Chris Sparks <mr_ada cox net> wrote:


I have been search and search for an answer to my dilemma so I thought I'd
post a question here.  If this isn't the right list, please advise.

I have been using Gdk 2.x for some time and decide to upgrade to Gdk 3.x.

Let me tell you that it has been and continues to be a nightmare. However,
I have been noticing that I am not getting any Expose events even though my
app is looking at all events.  (Via ALL_EVENTS_MASK).

Has Expose events been deprecated?  I noticed Client Events have changed
too and I have to deal with that one too.

Any help greatly appreciated.

chris sparks
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