Widget alignment

Hey list,

I have a bunch of widgets inside of a vertical GtkBox being used as a
page in a GtkAssistant. All of its widgets are grouped inside a child
GtkBox within the aforementioned such that the child box floats in the
vertical centre of the parent box. The parent box is the one used as a
page in the GtkAssistant.

When I invoke a method called decoratePage(page), a banner image is
inserted into the page (the parent GtkBox) via pack_start() /

How can I have this image widget added to the parent such that it is
always vertically aligned with the top of the page, but keeping the
other child box below it still vertically centred? I've tried wrestling
with Glade, but I can't figure out how to do it.


Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred

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