gtktreeview: highlighting a cell

I'm using GtkTreeView to implement a simple spreadsheet.

With GTK 2, if use gtk_tree_view_set_cursor() to place keyboard focus on a given cell, with the last argument set to FALSE so that editing mode is not entered immediately, I get a visual indication of which cell is focused. It's fairly subtle, but a gray box is drawn around the cell content.
Using the same code with GTK 3, I'm getting no such visual indication. 
The cell is focused OK -- pressing Enter starts editing -- but you get 
no visual clue as to which cell has focus. Is there any way to emulate 
the GTK 2 behavior?
(In this comparison I'm using the Adwaita theme with gtk 2.24.25 and 
Thanks for any guidance.

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC

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