how to choose oneOf[] an array of sentences?

Organization: Thought Unlimited.  Public service Unix since 1986.
Of_Interest: With 27++ years  of service  to the  Unix  community.


I'm having trouble getting my voice/speech program to use many 
fewer instantiations of gvim.   Having 2 or 3 copies of gvim 
on-screen and fed thru a text-to-speech program like espeak
works fine.  

{My speech is impaired, so I can and have used my program
when friends are over.  It is *drastically* easier typing what I
want to say and having the computer echo my typewritten words than
waste minutes repeating myself until I can get my meaning across}

When if I have written 
more than a few things and have them read to a friend, my display
gets crammed with gvim windows and text, it takes a lot of work 
to keep the display  readable.

It would be nice to capture *everything* I have written and 
catenate and display them in just One gvim window so that if my
friends asks me to repeat/replay something I had said 10 minutes ago, 
I wouldn't have to search back, back, back... .  
[[ Closing a bunch if gvim windows until I've found what I had 
said {or typed} several minutes before.]]
All the text files are stored in something like "talk[N].txt". It
would be easy to find and bundle all the "talk" files in a bundle.  
What I am having trouble with in Arrowing UP or DOWN to select 
the desired "text[K].txt" file and have it read back to the person
who wants it repeated.  

A fellow hacker thousands of clicks from where I live is a guru at
GTK+-3 and others have helped with my "VBC" program.  The thing 
is that he isn't entirely well either.  I don't want to bother
anyone on this list or any other list or forum, but I can't 
figure any other way of getting the job done. 

One way of resolving the problem and that might be to
have something like this  in one gvim::

My sentence or paragraph #1.

(Friend replies in speech.)

My sentence or paragraph #2.

(Friend replies verbally.)

My sentence or paragraph #15 or some N.  What if or *when* my friend 
claims to have forgotten what the computer had voiced and wants me 
to replay it?

(Friend says, "I don't remember what you were saying above on the 
Faculty issue.  Can you re-play that one part?")

==SO==, rather than retype what I remembered, and it could be a Yes or 
No, or several sentences,  I would have the program cat the text files
together to be read with eyes until the line or lines was found.  Given
5 or 10 or 17 of my typings, how would a GTK3 hacker handle that:
selecting the right paragraphs to be repeated??


(Things can get into trouble if my friend asks me to go up to
{say} the 4th or 5th thing I have typed.)

Then in this gvim, I would press ESC and "k" or "arrow" up to the 
misunderstood  thing
in the list.  I then hit enter/<cr> and the computer replays that
string or strings.  This is where I get wedged.  

Enough for now.  I'd be much obliged for any help or feedback!
I'm going to append/attach a tarball of VBC and hope that somebody
who knows GTK3 and C can lend a helping hand and code.

--- A final note is that   if this is the wrong list to ask  this
    question, or if anyone knows of other lists, to 
    please forward and cc: me.  Thanks muchly!

gary kline

Attachments:  vbc.tgz, dotVBC>tar

 Gary Kline  kline thought org  Public Service Unix
             Twenty-seven years of service to the Unix community.

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