Re: Deprecated function ed icons on button


Le 06/10/2014 18:23, Gergely Polonkai a écrit :
[...] Creating image buttons may seem a  bit harder than before.
As far as I can read, he spoke about GtkImageMenuItem, which for some
reason I never saw explained got deprecated (possibly because GMenu
don't support icons for another reason I didn't understand) -- and for
which I don't know a reasonably usable replacement.

On 6 Oct 2014 17:03, "arkkimede" <arkkimede gmail com> wrote:


One of these case is  gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock(GTK_STOK_NEW,NULL)
The new version is
gtk_menu_item_new_with_label or

I made the new version, the compiler do not print any message but the final
result is that the icon
gtk_menu_item_new_with_label() and gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic()
just don't create no icon, that's expected.

BTW, if you start learning GTK with GTK3, you should probably learn the
new concepts, like GtkApplication and GMenus rather than using the older


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