Gtk.ColorButton with signal set-color being called twice?


I recently discovered that a bug of one my programs was due to the fact of the `set-color` signal being called
twice in a ColorButton.

Since I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong I took a minimal code from and made a test..
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # 
from gi.repository import Gtk def color_set(colorbutton): color = 
colorbutton.get_rgba() red = ( * 255) green = ( * 
255) blue = ( * 255) print("Hex: #%02x%02x%02x" % (red, green, 
blue)) window = Gtk.Window() window.connect("destroy", lambda q: 
Gtk.main_quit()) colorbutton = Gtk.ColorButton() 
colorbutton.connect("color-set", color_set) window.add(colorbutton) 
window.show_all() Gtk.main() And it seems that even with this code, the 
signal is being called twice. Is this a Bug?

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